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2018 Yard List


New year’s day is the time I tally up and report the bird species seen in my yard on the forested slope of Massanutten Mountain in Shenandoah County, Virginia. This is my seventh such annual list.

Here are the previous iterations:

It’s been a good year. Two new “seen for the first time ever” species for the yard are noted in bold type.

  1. Carolina wren
  2. American goldfinch
  3. Chickadee
  4. Dark-eyed junco
  5. Red-bellied woodpecker
  6. Mourning dove
  7. American robin
  8. White-breasted nuthatch
  9. Barred owl
  10. Pileated woodpecker
  11. Brown creeper
  12. Tufted titmouse
  13. American crow
  14. Downy woodpecker
  15. Red-tailed hawk
  16. Eastern phoebe
  17. Eastern bluebird
  18. Turkey vulture
  19. Pine warbler
  20. American raven
  21. Golden-crowned kinglet
  22. Sharp-shinned hawk
  23. Bald eagle
  24. Hairy woodpecker
  25. Yellow-bellied sapsucker
  26. Hermit thrush
  27. Black vulture
  28. Blue jay
  29. Red-eyed vireo
  30. Northern flicker
  31. Whippoorwill
  32. Brown-headed cowbird
  33. Wild turkey
  34. Canada geese
  35. Chipping sparrow
  36. Cooper’s hawk
  37. Red-shouldered hawk
  38. Pine siskin
  39. Blue-headed vireo
  40. Yellow-rumped warbler
  41. Ruby-throated hummingbird
  42. Ruby-crowned kinglet
  43. Blue-gray gnatcatcher
  44. Broad-winged hawk
  45. Eastern towhee
  46. Indigo bunting
  47. Tree swallow
  48. Northern cardinal
  49. Ovenbird
  50. Rose-breasted grosbeak
  51. Magnolia warbler
  52. Eastern wood-pewee
  53. Yellow-billed cuckoo
  54. Scarlet tanager
  55. Blackpoll warbler
  56. Great crested flycatcher
  57. Chimney swift
  58. Black-throated green warbler
  59. Purple finch
  60. White-throated sparrow

It was a respectable year on the yard bird count front. I hope for more quality time in my yard ogling my fine feathered friends in 2019…

The post 2018 Yard List appeared first on Mountain Beltway.

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